Priya Law House


More Details

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Explores the Right to Information (RTI) Law's dimensions at both national and international levels.

  • Legal Framework: Provides a legal framework for the effective enforcement of RTI Law.

  • Nascent Stage: Addresses the nascent stage of RTI Law and its importance for state agencies and public authorities.

  • Concept Explanation: Explains the basic concept of RTI in all its facets and its necessity in a participatory democracy in a lucid and effective manner.

  • Legislative and Judicial Trends: Surveys relevant legislative trends and judicial responses, including the contributions of the Central Information Commission (CIC).

  • Recent Changes: Encapsulates changes introduced by the Whistle-Blowers Protection Act, 2011 (Act 17 of 2014).

  • Corruption Prevention: Provides valuable information for those concerned with preventing and controlling corruption, illegal practices, and promoting transparency, accountability, and openness in governance.

  • Publisher: Published by Lexis Nexis, ensuring authoritative and reliable content.